Truck Accident Case Value
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Have you been injured in a truck wreck and have questions about determining your truck accident case value? Watch this video, then call us.
How do I determine the value of my truck accident claim?
We recently got a phone call from a client in San Antonio who asked, “What is my case worth? What is the value of my case?” This is actually a very common question that we get and, unfortunately, it’s a very difficult question to answer. There are a lot of variables that come into play when you try to determine the value of any particular case. For example, what types of injuries do you have? What is the cost of your medical care, and do you need medical care at some point in the future? Have you lost wages or income? Have you lost time from work? Have you been impaired in some way where you are no longer able to do the things you did before the truck accident, such as play sports or enjoy hobbies that you may have?
All of these things get evaluated when all the evidence has been collected. At that point, the lawyer can give you a reasonable estimate of what the value of your case is, but not before that time. If you choose to contact us for a free consultation, we would be happy to discuss these issues as they relate to your particular case and any other questions that you may have.
Were you or a loved one seriously injured from a truck wreck in Texas and have questions about your truck accident case value? Contact our experienced Texas Truck Accident Lawyers today for a free legal consultation and case evaluation.
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