Mistakes To Avoid After a Drunk Driving Accident
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Do not Make These 7 Personal Injury Case Mistakes
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Learn what common mistakes to avoid after a drunk driving accident in this video. Call our attorneys in Texas to get started.
What are some common mistakes people make that can ruin their drunk driving accident claim?
One of the most common mistakes people make is that they assume that because the person was arrested at the scene and taken away in handcuffs by the police that somehow the criminal court system is going to provide benefits to them or help them pay for their medical expenses and things of that sort. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. The criminal system is much different from the civil system. The case that you would have to recover medical expenses, benefits, or in the case of a death, for example, are claims made in civil court, which is a completely different system. You need an attorney that is proficient and understands how the civil court system works. Hiring a trial lawyer like myself, for example, a board-certified trial lawyer, knows how to navigate the civil legal system to make sure that your rights are protected and that the evidence that’s necessary to successfully pursue this kind of a claim is secured on your behalf.
Were you or a loved one seriously injured in Texas and have questions about the common mistakes to avoid after a drunk driving accident? Contact our experienced Texas Drunk Driving Accident Lawyers today for a free legal consultation and case evaluation.
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