What to do if you’re injured on someone else’s property in Texas

What to do if you're injured on someone else's property in Texas

Accidents can happen when you least expect them and getting injured on someone else’s property is an unfortunate situation that can occur. Whether it’s a slip and fall, a dog bite, or any other type of injury, it’s important to know your rights and the appropriate steps to take if you find yourself injured on […]

How to choose a safe daycare for your child in Texas

How to choose a safe daycare for your child in Texas

Selecting the right daycare for your child is one of the most important decisions you’ll make as a parent. Entrusting your little one’s safety, well-being, and development to a daycare facility requires careful consideration and thorough research. In the state of Texas, where regulations govern childcare establishments, understanding the requirements and evaluating daycare options becomes […]

Understanding the different types of personal injury accidents in Texas

Understanding the different types of personal injury accidents in Texas

Personal injury accidents can have devastating physical, emotional, and financial impacts on individuals and their families. In the state of Texas, various types of accidents can lead to personal injuries, ranging from slip and falls to car crashes and medical malpractice. Understanding the different types of personal injury accidents is crucial for both preventing them […]

The Importance of Proper Scaffolding Safety in Texas Construction

The Importance of Proper Scaffolding Safety in Texas Construction

When it comes to construction projects in the great state of Texas, safety should always be the top priority. Among the various hazards and risks present on construction sites, improper scaffolding stands out as a significant concern. Scaffolding is an integral part of many construction projects, providing workers with access to elevated areas and facilitating […]

Understanding the Common Causes of Texas Bus Accidents

Understanding the Common Causes of Texas Bus Accidents

Texas, with its vast size and extensive transportation network, relies heavily on buses to transport millions of passengers every day. While buses are generally considered a safe mode of travel, accidents can and do occur. Understanding the common causes of bus accidents in Texas is crucial for promoting safety and implementing preventive measures to protect […]

How to Protect Yourself from Hit-and-Run Bicycle Accidents in Texas

How to Protect Yourself from Hit-and-Run Bicycle Accidents in Texas

Bicycling is a popular and eco-friendly mode of transportation that promotes health and well-being. In Texas, the sprawling landscapes and diverse urban areas offer cyclists a variety of routes to explore. However, as enjoyable as cycling can be, it’s important to acknowledge the potential risks, particularly the threat of hit-and-run accidents. Understanding how to protect […]

How Texas Communities Can Prepare for Future Plant Explosions

How Texas Communities Can Prepare for Future Plant Explosions

In recent years, Texas has witnessed unfortunate incidents of plant explosions that have resulted in tragic loss of life, widespread damage, and environmental hazards. The aftermath of such incidents serves as a stark reminder of the importance of preparedness and safety measures within our communities. Willumsen Law Firm, P.C. recognizes the significance of proactive planning […]

How Social Media Can Affect a Texas Wrongful Death Case

How Social Media Can Affect a Texas Wrongful Death Case

In the digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives, impacting various aspects of society, including the legal system. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others have revolutionized communication, allowing individuals to connect and share information instantaneously. However, when it comes to legal matters, including wrongful death cases in […]

How to Prove Liability in a Texas Slip and Fall Case

How to Prove Liability in a Texas Slip and Fall Case

Accidents can happen anywhere, and slip and fall incidents are among the most common causes of injuries in Texas. Whether it occurs at a retail store, office building, or private property, slip and fall cases can lead to significant physical, emotional, and financial consequences. To seek compensation for your injuries and losses, it is essential […]

How Weather Conditions Affect Texas Truck Accidents

How Weather Conditions Affect Texas Truck Accidents

Texas is renowned for its vast landscapes, thriving economy, and extensive transportation network. With an extensive trucking industry playing a critical role in the state’s economy, the impact of weather conditions on truck accidents becomes a paramount concern. Inclement weather, ranging from severe storms and heavy rainfall to fog and icy roads, poses significant challenges […]